The Legal Bits

The Edgemoor Research Institute is a donor-funded U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Copyright & IPR

The contents of this database and all intellectual property covering and related to same are the exclusive property of Shinkuro, Inc.

Shinkuro, Inc. hereby grants you a personal, royalty-free, worldwide, internal-use only license to view, execute, internally display, copy, and create tests using the information contained herein solely for evaluation and testing purposes.

This license does not include the right to distribute the information to any other person or entity, to create any modifications, changes, or derivative works of the information contained herein, or to use the database or its contents for any commercial purposes (e.g., to provide any product or service, whether internally or to any third party).

Any violation of these terms shall result in the immediate termination of this license.  This database and all information provided to you is provided on an “as is” basis with no representations, warranties, or indemnities of any kind.

This material can change at any time.  Either party can terminate this license upon written notice to the other party.